
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's new.

So after a many month hiatus I have decided to resume blogging. To recap what life has been like the last few months. One word CHAOS! Just kidding.

Baby #2 is on the way and I'm completly freaked out, since Jason has suddenly, with out warning hit the terrible twos. He is only 17months old but boy does he have a temper. It's quite comical really. When he hears the word no he immediately launches in to a full scale tirade complete with face reddining, limb flailing and screaming. Some times he attempts a passive resistance manover where he just goes limp and we have to drag him to where we need to go. I'm hoping he will learn soon that fighting his parents is futile. I'm sure all you seasoned parents out there chuckle at the thought that he will learn this "soon" and not at 30 when he finally moves out.

I am praying that this next baby is a little easier on us. Maybe with a more laid-back approach to the world. It's only fair since this second pregnacy has been a bit less fun then the first. I'm not sure what it is. Probably the fact that there has been some medical complications that has side-lined me has some thing to do with it. The inablity to work out has really taken a toll on my body. What a difference. I have, since my first pregnancy been an advocate for maintaining a level of fitness durning pregnancy as it significantly eased so many discomforts and made labour and delivery so pleasant. This time every thing aches, back, ribs, hips. I really hope this isn't an indication as to how labour is going to be. But anyways, If I get another healthy baby boy out of the deal it will all be worth it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ooh! Sickness!

You know how I was celebrating the start of my 5 day weekend last week? Well it didn't go so hot. Friday went like this... we dropped Jason off at daycare to begin our prep for his up coming birthday party. Went to the gym and then ate lunch at 11:30. Sounds pretty benign right? At precisely 4:00pm Paul tells me his tummy is rumbling and doesn't feel so good. Paul has a pretty scketchy tummy as it is so I didn't think anything of it. I head out to pick Jason up from daycare and I notice on the drive over my stomach starts to burn. By the time I get back both Paul and I are complaining of sore tummys. By 6:00pm we have full blown cramping and other symptoms that shall remain nameless. I had to put poor Jason to bed early. 6:30 vomiting violently in the bathroom. And so it went for the next 24 hours. The rest of the weekend was spent recovering... some 5 day holiday...

Another note. It's not a good idea to hire your judgemental ultra anal in-law's to clean your house. More on that later.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Are you kidding me??

So not to turn this sweet blog about my beautiful son in to a political rant page, but I just have to voice my opinion on something.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!!!  Does any one else see anything fundamentally wrong with this?

1.) Mr Taft, you want to change our provincial sport to something that I don't believe qualifies as a "sport" and which is viewed by many to be cruel to animals,  myself included. Don't you think a sport should involve willing participants?  How about hunting then? I'm sure there are more people who kill animals for sport then those who abuse them for sport.  Apparently Mr. Taft's favorite event is the chuckwagon races where many horses suffer broken limbs and die needlessly every year.

2.) In a province which is already viewed by the rest of the country as severely "red-neck" you want to reinforce that image by adding "rodeo" to our favorite past-times.  Some of us Mr. Taft, work very hard to get around that image.

3.) You want to waste my tax dollars and time bringing forth this stupid idea into Legislature?  I would rather see my money put to work on important issues such as health care and how are we working on fixing this bed and nurse shortage,  how about keeping youth in school and off the streets and away from drugs and crime or maybe introducing more programs to help those with mental disorders instead of turfing them to the streets.... How about those issues Mr. Taft??

But as Leader of the Opposition your biggest contribution this year will be introducing legislation to change our Provincial Sport to ....RODEO... I must say I'm really glad I voted Liberal... 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yippie Skippie!

A couple of weeks ago Paul had the brilliant idea of taking this Friday and Monday off so that our weekend would turn into a 5 day weekend extravaganza. That Paul... amazes me some days.

So off I go starting my weekend a day early and not to return till Wednesday next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Awe struck

Well I was one of the many Canadians who watched the American election coverage last night and was undeniably awe struck. Not over the fact that Barack Obama will now lead as the first African-American president, or because after nearly 2 years of presidential election coverage had come to an end. I was awe stuck over the turn out of people and the passion they displayed on election night.

This is the turn out for Stephen Harper at his election head-quarters in Calgary.

And this is the turnout for Barak Obama at his election head-quarters in Chicago...

What a staggering difference. Just in the last few years have I really begun to notice the cultural and political differences in our two countries. Canada just seems so dry in comparison. Ok, Ok, before anyone shoots me. There are many things about Canada that I absolutely LOVE, but after a night like this I wonder more about life below the border. It has been a global pastime in recent years to hate on the Americans and I would have to admit that out of fear of being mistaken for one of those "dreaded, obnoxious Americans" that I had a Canadian flag sewn to my backpack while traveling abroad. But after last night's showing, I have a new found respect for the passion the American people display for their country. I was almost embarrassed at the lack luster enthusiasm Canadians showed for our last federal election. What a snooze!
A friend of ours who had relocated to Chicago a few years back, didn't even know an election had gone on in Canada. He does mind you still cheer for the Oilers and knows every move they make. But anyways I do send a big congrats to Americans for making history last night and I could almost feel the hope radiating from the TV. My wish is for Canadians to one day feel that kind of emotion towards our next political endeavor.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I am happy to say we have successfuly weaned the soother! It has been 2 weeks now and THANK GOD! Considering Jason's stubborn nature I was afraid he would kick up more of a fuss. I am so glad I forgot it that day. The night before I was at the end of my rope with that thing and I think in my subconscious I had already decided it would be gone, so I forgot to take it to daycare. And the ladies (well most of them) made me feel better about it. Some of them still ask if we are bringing it but the more sensible of the lot said "don't worry! he's ok with out it!" Music to my ears.

When I shared the news to my mom and my sister they were less than enthusiastic about the situation. I don't know why... they don't live with him. They said "why? He's so young! he's just a baby" definately made me feel like I was the worst mom ever for taking his soother away. Like I tore him from his mommy and sent him packing to bording school already. At least I have been getting a better sleep and that definately makes for a less grumpy mommy.

Ok so bear with me, I just have to vent about something... so a friend of mine just had a baby, and a mutal friend of ours is making me feel bad that I have not rushed over arms wide open gifts in tow. I must say, my excuse has been that it has been difficult for me to find the time now that I am working full time and because of this our weekends are usually jam-packed. Now should I feel bad, because I don't really. This person took 6 months to come see Jason after he was born. Am I being shallow? Callous? I figured I'd wait for the shower to go over. Then I found out it is a week day and I am at work. Who does that? Have a baby shower in the middle of the week? Well she didn't come to mine either so I guess we're even... what would you do?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Update.

It has been so long, I forgot my password to get in here! I think I am ready to start posting again.

So an update...

Jason is 11 months old! can you believe it? Wow how this year flew by. He is walking and becoming less a baby and more a little boy every day. He is even saying a few words, currently his favorites are Ball, (said more like baaalll) Dada, and nana (for banana). I think his next word will be tree, he is almost getting it as we can't walk by a tree with out him pointing at it and attempting to say it. Plans are in the works for his 1st birthday party. I think it will be a low-key affair, mostly family and a few special friend invites. I remember the mayhem of my niece's 1st birthday and don't really want to repeat that.

Paul has really embraced fatherhood as of late. As Jason has become easier to please, or rather we can figure out what he needs a bit better. A little blatant finger pointing has also helped. And we *gasp* took away the soother. Now I am not saying soothers are evil and should be banned from the earth. But in Jason's case, I have a sneaking suspicion that my having to get up several times a night, crawling around on the floor in the dark has something to do with his soother. It happened by accident really, I forgot it one day while Jason was at daycare, We were afraid, the daycare ladies were afraid... but later that day they said he actually did ok with out it. So Paul and I saw it as our opportunity. So we pulled the plug, And we have all had a better sleep for it.

Now for me, I went back to work early... now why on earth would I do that??!! The biggest reason would be $$$$. But I did secure a fantastic job instructing nursing students, so far it has been great. Not to mention my very own desk! It took me a few weeks to stop telling people that I was going to the washroom. Those of you fellow nurses would understand.

I'm hoping to resume posting now that life has settled a little bit.

Talk to you soon!... I hope.